two ways to set your ip4 address on a modern ubuntu
Shells in Shells
If you have a vps with only an ip6 address and you have to connect to it from an ipv4 endpoint, you can hop your ssh credential through to the vps via another host.
first, be sure your ssh key is available to the local agent with: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa (or whatever your key is)
if you are on a mac, like me, you can add your ssh key to keychain: ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
enable forwarding on the client with the following in your .ssh/config:
Host server1 server2 server3
ForwardAgent yes
this will allow your jump host to pass your ssh creds to a next hop system
radical resistance
there must be a rebellion against the status quo before there can be change.
what is a web site
why would i want one? is social media the internet?.
right now, i am turning over and ripping off this from Tiger Pajamas
I am an old man
ill tell you more when i get better at the typing
Email is fine and fun but please encrypt. break the surveillance economy!